The Talking Muffin

Two muffins in an oven.

miércoles, noviembre 29, 2006

I've been listening to the Katamari Damacy music a lot lately... And it's all really fun. It's a strange mood to be in, for sure. I don't even play the game. Fuck, I don't even have a gaming system. Not even at home.

Candide rehearsals ended today, tomorrow is our first performance. I'm getting to be kind of drained, and I have SO MUCH CRAP TO DO. I can't afford to be exhausted. On top of this, I have basically overscheduled myself to the point where I have to finish a seven page comic book, scan it, edit it in whatever ways, and then do an entirely new project (which involves learning to silk screen... whaaaaat.... although to be fair that is my choice, and I might sell the t-shirts after I document them, if they're any good), as well as fine tune my first part of the project, all for Tuesday. I have a twenty page book due on a day that I am completely unsure of. I have this class' paper. And I have involved myself in an absolutely awesome but still time consuming activity (a HILARIOUS ONE that I am unable to talk about) that goes down on Saturday.


If you want to see Candide but you want to see it for free, we're looking for ushers. Contact me if you're interested.

viernes, noviembre 24, 2006

Man, Van Wilder is such a crappy movie and I adore it. And by adore it I mean that I can't tear myself away from Comedy Central, though I can't pay attention to it for a substantial length of time. My attention span is too short nowadays.

Two Thanksgivings... too much food in my stomach.

AND YET there is AMAZING pumpkin pie in my refrigerator.

This is a dilemma, I assure you. MMMMM FOOD.

I went to see a band made up of kids from my high school on Wednesday night, and it was a good time. They're a cover band made up of some of my friends from my grade and the grade above, and SO MANY KIDS from my high school showed up that we became a fire hazard and the band had to stop playing early. Which was sad. But many of us ended up leaving after that, and I was super pumped to get a ton of sleep that night.

Hahahaha sickboy.

Attention span,remember?

I'm hanging out with somefriends from high school tomorrow(the spacebaron my mom'scomputer doesn'tworkvery well and I've stopped caring, so if there arespaces thatarenot there, welllllllllllI don't reallycare) but I also can't wait to get back toschool,even ifmy flight is at ASS OCLOCK on Sunday morning. And by that I mean seven.

I hopeeveryone has been having an amazing break.

lunes, noviembre 20, 2006

I love taking the political compass test every so often.

This is my current political alignment, according to the website.

The test asks a series of questions and then attempts to determine your political leanings by how you answer them. On the website they also have a graph of famous political figures, as well. Obviously that section is not crazy precise, being that most of those leaders are dead. It is, however, kind of interesting to see how you would stack up.

Basically, I just think it's funny because it tells me I'm more of a hippie than Ghandi. is the main site, and then the direct link to the test (which is fairly substantial in length) is

domingo, noviembre 19, 2006

No matter how much of a pain in the ass it is for me to go home and then deal with both of my parents, I look forward to seeing my little sister, seeing my crazy and kinda scary (but oh so hilarious) big brother, and sleeping in my own bed.

I miss my quilt. It's a silly thing to say, but that is COMFORTABLE and AWESOME. It's also entertaining because somehow, the last time I went home, two quilts had magically appeared on my bed. It's as though while I was gone, my quilt had magically (and asexually, similar things I assure you) reproduced and there were two wonderful and comfortable things in which to nestle.

sábado, noviembre 18, 2006

I uh... cut my own hair.

See yous on Monday!

miércoles, noviembre 15, 2006

There are a bunch of songs that are just really comforting to me, and I've found myself listening to them a lot lately, specifically going in search of all of the songs that I listened to at kinda difficult points in my life, or just songs that really made me happy that I listened to a lot when I was in eighth grade through junior year of high school.

Right now I'm listening to the Tom Waits collection Asylum Years, which takes stuff off of Small Change, Heartattack and Vine, Closing Time, The Heart of Saturday Night, and some others. I think I like this era of Tom Waits the best. I mean, I recognize the amazingness that is later and weirder Tom Waits, but there's something really soothing and comforting about sentimental gravelly voiced Tom Waits (who manages to be sentimental in a really nice way). I've also been listening to a bunch of Ben Folds again, and say what you will about Ben Folds, but I adore his music.

And because of Stew's (Stu's?) blog, I now find myself browsing the McSweeney's website, instead of working on my drawing. Ah well, I'll set aside drawing time this afternoon.

I'm awake at four AM because I've been tossing and turning for the past three to four hours with abdominal pain that is localized around the kidneys on my back. I called student health, and if the pain does not subside a little (enough for me to sleep) in the next half hour (I took some ibuprofin as they recommended), I'm going to the emergency room, and if not, I'm going to student health at 8.

Urgh. I'm betting emergency room at five.

martes, noviembre 14, 2006

I am an unashamed webcomic addict. Also, I am a mac user. Thus, I think this is very funny. It is also very old.

Saw Kissinger tonight, it was really well done, the man is brilliant, although in all likelihood, basically a war criminal. I need some time to dissect what it was that I saw.

That's all for now. I'm feeling kinda terse.

One time in flight school I was laconic.

Ten points to whoever identifies that.

Also- to anyone who has Gmail, you can subscribe to everyone in the class' blogs using Google Reader. If you use Firefox, when you load a person's blog, there's a little orange square in the address bar, and if you click it, you can add the page to Google Reader. It's really handy, and it makes my life better.

Sometimes all it takes is a forty minute phone call to a friend to make you feel noticeably better. I was having kind of a silly day that repeatedly raped my self esteem and where my head was just completely fogged up (I discovered at eleven fifteen in the PM that I did not, in fact, have any paper upon which I am allowed to draw my assignment that I am supposed to have a substantial amount finished for tomorrow. This is after sprinting into the bookstore post DDF class and managing to get a box of pastels [and for reference, I only needed a white one, and was forced to buy a whole box] and getting to the cash register AS THEY ANNOUNCED that the bookstore was now closed). On top of that, when I went to grab lunch from McClelland before coming back to work on my DDF assignment, they didn't have a single sandwich. I had to eat rabbit food for lunch. That's not big, I know, but that is indicative of the little things that went wrong all day.

I called my friend Phil (who goes to Conn College) and talked to him for a bit and he was superbly wonderful (as always) and just let me vent about things and tried to remind me that I ought not ever diminish the value of my problems by comparing them to those of others. Just because something worse is happening to someone else, says he, does not mean that my problems are insignificant. I still have a very difficult time convincing myself of that, but it happens. I'm working on getting better at it.

Phil is an awesome guy. Basically, he's incredibly patient, really sweet, and always tries to come up with something helpful to say if you're feeling sorta down and dejected. He wants to be a pediatrician, and if this helps you picture him at all, that's absolutely perfect for him. He's patient (stated before, but worth repeating), he's capable of making you laugh, and he's super approachable. If ever I am in a more cogent state, I'll try and actually do the guy justice. And hopefully not use the same word twice in three sentences.

I'm gonna sleep now because I have to be up hellllllla early. As usual.

Guten Nacht, meine Freunden.

domingo, noviembre 12, 2006

I haven't posted in a really really long time, for which I am sorry and I humbly repent. Also: warning, this entry will probably be long-ish. If you generally care to read entries, don't be afraid to skip about this one.

I find it super hard to get myself motivated anymore. It's annoying. It needs to stop.

In any case, life on the whole is pretty good. Granted I am not nearly done with my Digital Design self portrait, I haven't made any thumbnail sketches for drawing, haven't done my German homework, haven't blogged in a week (sorry!), I have NO idea what I want to write about for my paper, and I haven't started the reading for this class yet. I also had a typical phone conversation with my mother, which meant that I ended up being frustrated and pissy and hanging up on her and then feeling guilty but only sort of and then wishing that I had someone I was comfortable bitching about my parental woes to without feeling like a self indulgent little prat or generally ruining an otherwise good mood. I also cannot see my floor very well for all of the crap on it but yet cannot convince myself to get up out of my chair to move things into some sort of order.

However. Let's focus on the good things, which are pretty outstanding.

Today instead of doing work, I went to bring coughdrops to the boy, went to Singers (which is always pretty nice) and then came back to do work, but ended up bringing soup and orange juice to the boy, who is pretty much incapacitated. This resulted in watching cartoons. A+. Somewhere in there, right before I was leaving, I got persuaded to stay because Jesse (the boy's roommate) wanted a mohawk and promised to obtain clippers. Which he did. And so I gave Jesse a mohawk in the fifth floor of Hill in one of the lounges. Which makes it the second fifth floor communal space in which I have mohawked someone. Although technically Josh counts for a cleaning up of a mohawk. Now I am back at my room and attempting to motivate myself, but that's not going to happen.

Yesterday the boy gave a presentation at the SPE-MA conference, but being that I wasn't a part of said conference, I was not able to obtain admission to the talk (which I hear was hilarious), and thus I was on college green for a substantial portion of the GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS FALL DAY with Kim. And we made a big leaf pile. And jumped in it. And threw leaves at people. And it was glorious. We literally played in the leaves for 2 hours. OOO AND ALSO at some point in that time, the security guard from the library came out (because I had walked out of the library and thus had to show my bag and she saw all the drawings) and she asked if I could draw a picture of her son if she gave me a picture of him. And I thought that was super amazing and that made me really happy. Then I "worked" until Anton in Show Business (a friend of mine was in it so I went to see it with another friend from Singers) which was very good. I am not sure how I feel about the script, but whatever, I was entertained by the show. Post that, I went to get tea (not coffee) and then ended up at Kim's with some other people and we went to see Borat. Which was ridiculous. I'm not sure if I thought it was a good movie or I was just too ridiculously entertained at the shit Sacha Baron Cohen (I'm sure I spelled some of that wrong) was pulling.

FRIDAY. Radio show. Playlist available on the interweb. They finally got a counter of how many people are listening working, which is an interesting thing. It means I get to see how many people are actually connected to my show at any given time. I managed to fuck up and talk over music that was at full volume TWICE. YAY me. Saw American Hardcore in the afternoon, which I was really entertained by. It was nice to see, and it made me really want to listen to a lot of the Bad Brains. I went to see Common Rotation at the World Cafe that night (HUGE departure from the sound of Hardcore), and I really enjoyed it. I like them a lot. Anyone who is interested in folk type music should definitely look into them. I actually did a second radio show that night with the boy from 10-12 since Jesse couldn't go. At our peak we had five listeners. Four, actually, because the counter counts the office computer as well.

Thursday... hm... Thursday. Uhh... went to ThuNG, before that was at Happy Hour, before that I played D & D (first time ever), and before that, I had Singers.

Thursday wasn't terribly exciting.

Oohhh but I have Kissinger tickets for Tuesday!! Hooray and a HALF. Bam, suckah.

domingo, noviembre 05, 2006


The only thing that makes how much work I have to get done IN ANY WAY OKAY is that I am listening to Sweeney Todd.

That is from (a daily webcomic) and it makes me super happy. They also have a t-shirt on the site that says "Shakespeare got to get paid, son" and my personal favorite one:

I keep meaning to post things because awesome stuff happens and then I just forget! It is sad. Very sad, I assure you.

First and foremost: if anyone sees a poster for the Pillowman and they could take it from whatever location it is in and give it to me, that'd be super cool. The show is basically done running (it ends tomorrow) and it's pretty much my favorite play ever. There WAS a poster in Houston but when I went to retrieve it (not so sneakily) it was no longer there. The same goes for a Brothers Quay poster.


Thursday! I walk into drawing, am talking to Julie about what I did the night before (went to the showing of the Brothers Quay's Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, went to the ICA and got an honorable mention in the quick draw competition as well as the unofficial accolade of most realistic drawing) and she asks "sooo what are you doing at 1:30?" "I have class," I say. "Too bad, you could have had lunch with the Brothers Quay." "... I can skip class."

Thus, I skip German and have lunch with three other Fine Arts majors, an MFA candidate, and the Brothers Quay. I shit you not. I was also just VERY MUCH in the right place at the right time, considering that two of the Fine Arts majors were interested in animation and film, and the other one had done a lot of set design. I am a freshman who hasn't declared a major yet (hint hint Fine Arts) much less a concentration.

Basically Julie is awesome.


Annnnd I went to my first First Friday proceedings last night! It was quite awesome. Walked to South Street from campus, then to Old City, and Septa-d back for a quiet night of dorky movies and sleep (still sick, ew). THe radio show that morning was ehhhh. I played some nice things, methinks, but the station manager and some others were fiddling around fixing things, so it was weird. Also my voice was basically gone so I didn't talk much.

Today I spent seven hours in Addams. Seven. From one until six thirty, and then from seven thirty to nine. And I'm still not done with what I need to do.


miércoles, noviembre 01, 2006

I like listening to mixes that are super old from people that I miss.

And now for something completely different!

I'm currently in the process of dying the bleached streak in my hair red, and I didn't have rubber gloves or vaseline or rubbing alcohol, so my hands are covered in red dye. I'm trying my best to get it off, but I don't care enough to have taken any of the precautions to prevent it from being there in the first place.

I think I'll just tell people that I killed someone or something equally uncreative.





AAAAAAAnd I also have 3 drawings due next Tuesday, a project in DDF due next Monday and I'm pretty much going to have to spend all weekend in that fucking building (Addams). Owwwww. On the upside, I signed up for amazing classes for next semester. We'll see if those pan out.