I keep meaning to post things because awesome stuff happens and then I just forget! It is sad. Very sad, I assure you.
First and foremost: if anyone sees a poster for the Pillowman and they could take it from whatever location it is in and give it to me, that'd be super cool. The show is basically done running (it ends tomorrow) and it's pretty much my favorite play ever. There WAS a poster in Houston but when I went to retrieve it (not so sneakily) it was no longer there. The same goes for a Brothers Quay poster.
Thursday! I walk into drawing, am talking to Julie about what I did the night before (went to the showing of the Brothers Quay's Piano Tuner of Earthquakes, went to the ICA and got an honorable mention in the quick draw competition as well as the unofficial accolade of most realistic drawing) and she asks "sooo what are you doing at 1:30?" "I have class," I say. "Too bad, you could have had lunch with the Brothers Quay." "... I can skip class."
Thus, I skip German and have lunch with three other Fine Arts majors, an MFA candidate, and the Brothers Quay. I shit you not. I was also just VERY MUCH in the right place at the right time, considering that two of the Fine Arts majors were interested in animation and film, and the other one had done a lot of set design. I am a freshman who hasn't declared a major yet (hint hint Fine Arts) much less a concentration.
Basically Julie is awesome.
Annnnd I went to my first First Friday proceedings last night! It was quite awesome. Walked to South Street from campus, then to Old City, and Septa-d back for a quiet night of dorky movies and sleep (still sick, ew). THe radio show that morning was ehhhh. I played some nice things, methinks, but the station manager and some others were fiddling around fixing things, so it was weird. Also my voice was basically gone so I didn't talk much.
Today I spent seven hours in Addams. Seven. From one until six thirty, and then from seven thirty to nine. And I'm still not done with what I need to do.
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