The Talking Muffin

Two muffins in an oven.

martes, noviembre 14, 2006

Sometimes all it takes is a forty minute phone call to a friend to make you feel noticeably better. I was having kind of a silly day that repeatedly raped my self esteem and where my head was just completely fogged up (I discovered at eleven fifteen in the PM that I did not, in fact, have any paper upon which I am allowed to draw my assignment that I am supposed to have a substantial amount finished for tomorrow. This is after sprinting into the bookstore post DDF class and managing to get a box of pastels [and for reference, I only needed a white one, and was forced to buy a whole box] and getting to the cash register AS THEY ANNOUNCED that the bookstore was now closed). On top of that, when I went to grab lunch from McClelland before coming back to work on my DDF assignment, they didn't have a single sandwich. I had to eat rabbit food for lunch. That's not big, I know, but that is indicative of the little things that went wrong all day.

I called my friend Phil (who goes to Conn College) and talked to him for a bit and he was superbly wonderful (as always) and just let me vent about things and tried to remind me that I ought not ever diminish the value of my problems by comparing them to those of others. Just because something worse is happening to someone else, says he, does not mean that my problems are insignificant. I still have a very difficult time convincing myself of that, but it happens. I'm working on getting better at it.

Phil is an awesome guy. Basically, he's incredibly patient, really sweet, and always tries to come up with something helpful to say if you're feeling sorta down and dejected. He wants to be a pediatrician, and if this helps you picture him at all, that's absolutely perfect for him. He's patient (stated before, but worth repeating), he's capable of making you laugh, and he's super approachable. If ever I am in a more cogent state, I'll try and actually do the guy justice. And hopefully not use the same word twice in three sentences.

I'm gonna sleep now because I have to be up hellllllla early. As usual.

Guten Nacht, meine Freunden.