Good days happen when you get to wear your frog rain boots and you regain good friends.
lunes, noviembre 19, 2007
martes, noviembre 13, 2007
I am an impractical human being, and instead of a conscience, I need a little voice that constantly reminds me of this fact.
Things to stop doing:
Scheduling myself in ways that only a crazy person could survive
Going to bed after 2 when I have class at 9 or 10:30 the next day.
For God's Sake! Stop wanting things that cannot happen
Living inside of my head
Being antisocial.
Missing opportunities.
lunes, noviembre 12, 2007
I eat really weird food as a result of not having a kitchen. I mean, I think it's tasty, but I'm pretty sure that very few people would agree. Also, for future reference, canned peas aren't so good.
Penn creates a very strange bubble in such a way that I often end up completely unaware of things that happen on a national scale. For instance, today is Veteran's day, but the only way I found out about that was by going to the post office to send a package only to find it closed. Guess I'll go in the morning before class or something.
This is rather an inane post, but it's been a rather inane day.
domingo, noviembre 11, 2007

Eeeen ozer newz. Busy, crap, busy, hoorah. Trisha had a lovely tea party on the green today to celebrate her entry into this world 19 years ago. It was pretty much adorable.
A friend just asked how I was, following it up with an "I hope everything is chaotic and beautiful."
I kind of adore that sentiment, and I truly wish that everything was just that.
Signing off because I should do astronomy homework.
So according to the final exam schedule, my last final SHOULD be on December 18th, so that's when I told my mom to get me a plane ticket.
According to my syllabus? That class' exam is on December 13th. I have fourish days of found time this winter. That makes me unbelievably happy. Wonder what I'm going to do with it!!
viernes, noviembre 09, 2007
I had my first cliché movie moment in a while earlier tonight. I went to PiLam to go to happy hour and the doors were all locked. In addition to this, Doug's phone was off (well, technically it just wasn't receiving calls, but that's just semantics), so I thought to myself, "What's a girl to do when it's balls ass cold and she needs to be let into a building?"
So I threw rocks at his window. In the typical old fashioned movie way, except I throw like a girl and had to throw several of them before my aim was good enough. Doug (and Artie, who was hanging out in Doug's room) opened the window, and Artie asked where my boombox was.
It was kind of perfect, even though the window in question didn't belong to any romantic interest or best friend boy next door who wants to be more (only phrased like that because it rhymed, I promise).
I need more cliché movie moments in my life. Or at the very least, cliché romantic (we're talking 1800s) literature. Because at least then I'd have the drama of having the consumption and tragically dying in glorious Devonwald's arms, after sharing one first and final epic kiss (which incidentally turned out to be fatal for Devonwald because I was contagious).
I need more excitement.
jueves, noviembre 08, 2007
I'll admit, I'm a little surprised by my willingness to stay on the phone with someone for two hours.
The world has gone topsy turvyyyyyyyyy! And by that I mean my life is rather odd right now. It's not so much topsy turvy as a lot of things happening all at once that, while they aren't unexpected, are still really overwhelming. I keep finding myself wanting to sleep for very long periods of time, but never having the time to do so, and when I do have the time, I don't use it particularly well, and never sleep enough.
You can never sleep enough, and your alarm is going off. Yo La Tengo kind of rules my life. Just a little.
Babbling, but when don't I? Class now.
miércoles, noviembre 07, 2007
Things that I learned today:
Acetaminophen, when processed by your body, turns into a cannabinoid. Dextromethorphan HBr, a cough suppressant, is broken down into dextrorphan and levorphanol, the second of which is a pain killer five times more powerful than morphine. Both acetaminophen and dextromethorphan are found in Nyquil.
I love Wired.
I also love wired because I read an article this morning on vestigial organs, which wasn't so much an article as it was Lore Sjöberg talking about cool things we should replace our organs with. My favorite part of this article? The opening paragraph. "I spent some time at BodyWorlds 2, an exhibition of plasticized human cadavers designed to educate people who are not yet dead. I learned many things, but the main thing I learned is that the body is jam-packed with organs, much like a throbbing, oozing Swiss Army knife."
It makes me miss my Swiss Army knife (which hopefully I can get replaced with a really fantastic Leatherman for Christmas. Who knows). Lore is far and away my favorite person who writes articles for Wired, in part because of LoreBrandComics, which I used to read religiously.
I need to get back into writing, but it's much easier said than done. I am trying to do the same thing with sketching, which is admittedly much easier, especially given the nature of, oh, all of my classes. Maybe I'll try to do a weekly music review on this (which admittedly kind of forces me to find new music). Reviewing music would kind of bring this blog full circle, being that I started it for a class about music.
I've completely lost my train of thought for this, because my attention span is nil.
More to folllow.
martes, noviembre 06, 2007
Heroes never ceases to amaze me. Best ending in a long long long long time. Oh my god. Heroes is CRACK!
I've pretty much decided that I would love to be John Currin when I get older. I was working on my copycat assignment and I basically can't stop giggling while painting because it's totally absurd, and I'm pretty sure that's gotta be how he paints. Seriously, the more I look at his paintings the more they seem like one giant in-joke between John Currin and John Currin. It's ridiculous fun.
In other news, I'm busy all the time. Wooo! Hopefully I can get some fun sketches in tonight though- I'm working on sketching a page every few days and scanning it into my computer, no matter how much I dislike it, and uploading it onto Flickr. I hope this will force me to be a good person and finish a whole sketchbook sometime soon. Maybe I'll sketch during the post-mortem for Glee. That should be about as fun as the name sounds. Woooooooo.
Choir now, because I'm constantly doing SOMETHING. Grumblegrumblegrumble.
Edit: There is paint on my nose.
So I'm pretty sure I'm crazy, because I've gotten into a routine of doing crunches before I go to bed, and we're talking legs up, not letting my shoulder blades touch the ground crunches, and I've decided that I'm going to up the number each night. I'm on 175, and it's started to be that I'll stop myself so that I have someplace to go the next night.
But only a little bit.
In other news, I'm pretty happy. And I like that. Even if it's partly because of things that make John shake his head and roll his eyes (and most other people, because let's face it, I'm silly).
I like blogging, so I'm going to do it more, partly because I need to write more, but right now I have to go to class and I plan on stopping at Starbucks on my way to use the card that Glee gave me. Mmmm hot cider. Hopefully Starbucks is un-busy. Fat chance.