My dream last night was strange, as my dreams often are. In one part, we ended up somehow in some weird bazaar and someone was tailing us and being antagonistic and we accidentally killed one of them, but only in self defense, and then it turned out they were some foreign government's operatives that we were at war with. So they hated Americans and for some reason this particular squad was ruthless. So we ran around and into the desert and hid under things and kept running and somehow ended up in a very pretty library mostly occupied by English majors somewhere in Fisher Bennett (??) and they were trying to hide us, except the place they had to hide us was a giant purple refrigerator and NONE of us could fit in there, except a little boy who was a freshman when I was a senior and is STILL little, who could somehow fit into the crisper. And of course once we got to the library, we knew that the whoevertheywere were still chasing us and would kill us once they found us, but we started socializing and people started falling in love with each other (as people often do) and it was wonderful and exciting.
And then at some point it started to snow out the window, big huge flakes this size of quarters and then like, three inches across and you could see all of their crystalline structures and they were beautiful.
And now there is snow in New England. And it is beautiful.