Dear Gods of genetics/the World,
I would appreciate it if you hadn't made me physically defective in really obnoxious ways.
Two muffins in an oven.
Dear Gods of genetics/the World,
It's really strange to see pictures of people from way back before you knew them, via the beast that is Facebook. This is especially weird when people used to have crazy different hair, or be a lot skinnier or a lot heavier. It's even weirder when that person is your boyfriend.
Okay so ever since Greg asked us to come up with an album that SHOULD be on the list of albums but isn't, I've been searching my brain for possibilities, and let me tell you, it is HARD.
Pirates of Penzance cast list is up, and I didn't get cast as anything, which kind of sucks because I thought I did really well on two out of the three audition songs, and the one place where I messed up, I still thought the vocal quality was pretty good. I guess I'm just miffed because the director looked at me when I walked in and then didn't look at me for the rest of the audition. I mean, keep in mind that he's an 80 something year old Gilbert and Sullivan purist with very specific ideas about what his show should look like, and according to other singers folks, if you don't fit that (which seems to include girls above five foot six), well tough luck.
It is three fifteen in the AM, I'm totally not sleeping tonight, I have a lot of digital design homework to do, there is a boy who is talking in his sleep in my bed (FULLY CLOTHED, get your collective mind out of the gutter), and a lot of red hair dye in my hair.
Fucking Webmail!!!!
Yeah, because here is mine.
Also, for your viewing pleasure, please look at these in the order that they have been posted. They would all be from the same site and then I could just link you to the album, but Flickr is being dumb and won't let me put all of the pages up. The resolution on the Photobucket pages is also way worse.
I have this habit of eating all of the Jelly Bellies I like least whenever anyone gives me a bag of them, and saving the good ones for last. My secret buddy for Candide got them for me, along with other things. Basically my secret buddy rocks.