The Talking Muffin

Two muffins in an oven.

sábado, diciembre 16, 2006

Dear Gods of genetics/the World,

I would appreciate it if you hadn't made me physically defective in really obnoxious ways.



viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

It's really strange to see pictures of people from way back before you knew them, via the beast that is Facebook. This is especially weird when people used to have crazy different hair, or be a lot skinnier or a lot heavier. It's even weirder when that person is your boyfriend.

Pardon the random nature of this post, but it's really strange.

miércoles, diciembre 13, 2006

Okay so ever since Greg asked us to come up with an album that SHOULD be on the list of albums but isn't, I've been searching my brain for possibilities, and let me tell you, it is HARD.

SO HERE IS A LIST of albums that I love love love but that may or may not be good for the list for class:

Neutral Milk Hotel- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Sage Francis- A Healthy Distrust
The Dandy Warhols- 13 Tales of an Urban Bohemia
The Grateful Dead- American Beauty (okay clearly does not belong on the list but I adore it)
The Beatles- Help!, Abbey Road, and the White Album (I mean, the White Album kinda fits)
Radiohead- The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A
Tom Waits- Small Change
Sneaker Pimps- Becoming X, Splinter
Wilco- Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Simon and Garfunkel- Bookends
Manu Chao- Clandestino
Cake- Prolonging the Magic, Motorcade of Generosity, Comfort Eagle, Fashion Nugget, and Pressure Chief. Yes I just listed every Cake album ever. If you have a problem with it, feel free to take it up with me.
Gorillaz- Gorillaz, Demon Days
DJ Shadow- Endtroducing (OH MY GOODNESS SO GOOD)
Fiona Apple- When the Pawn...
Morphine- Good, Yes
Beck- Midnite Vultures, Odelay, Mutations
Beastie Boys- Paul's Boutique
Björk- Medulla
Billy Bragg and Wilco- Mermaid Avenue
Massive Attack- Mezzanine
Nick Drake- Pink Moon
Regina Spektor- Begin to Hope, Eleven Eleven
The Decemberists- baaaaaasically anything.
Yo La Tengo- Also basically anything
U.N.K.L.E. (which is DJ Shadow and others)- Psyence Fiction, Never Neverland
Soul Coughing- Ruby Vroom
Avalanches- Since I Left You
Air- Talkie Walkie
The Books- The Lemon of Pink (thanks to my assignment, I found this and started enjoying it very much)
The Flaming Lips- Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots (mostly because there was a girl in Battle Royale named Yoshimi and I enjoyed that)
Fink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon

There would be more, but I don't feel like overwhelming.

Pirates of Penzance cast list is up, and I didn't get cast as anything, which kind of sucks because I thought I did really well on two out of the three audition songs, and the one place where I messed up, I still thought the vocal quality was pretty good. I guess I'm just miffed because the director looked at me when I walked in and then didn't look at me for the rest of the audition. I mean, keep in mind that he's an 80 something year old Gilbert and Sullivan purist with very specific ideas about what his show should look like, and according to other singers folks, if you don't fit that (which seems to include girls above five foot six), well tough luck.

In any case, I need to keep working.


lunes, diciembre 11, 2006

It is three fifteen in the AM, I'm totally not sleeping tonight, I have a lot of digital design homework to do, there is a boy who is talking in his sleep in my bed (FULLY CLOTHED, get your collective mind out of the gutter), and a lot of red hair dye in my hair.

I'll make the most of it. I'm an extraordinary machine.

viernes, diciembre 08, 2006

Fucking Webmail!!!!

In other news, I am addicted to the Ok Go song "Here It Goes Again," made popular by the video which has all of them on treadmills. I also think that my favorite Christmas music is the music from A Charlie Brown Christmas. Best. Ever. I want to have Vince Guaraldi's babies.


It was so exciting when we ran downstairs and outside and played and then ran back inside because it was fucking cold and windy and we had no jackets and then we continued to play Katamari Damacy. I'm super cool.

I need to get more sleep and spend less time wasting time. I need to buckle down and do my work. I need to start figuring shit out, like uh, what I want to DO. I mean, yeah I want to do Fine Arts, but what? And do I want to minor in things?

WHAAAAAAAAAT THE SHIT. That art history class that I tried to sign up for- the one that would take me to France for free during break- I'm not sure if it's the right Art History class for me. I mean, yeah going to France?? Awesome. Small class, lots of scrutiny, being a freshman, large research paper on cave paintings? Less awesome or interesting. I think I might either want to just take a different Art History class or skip out on that idea all together and try to get into a creative writing seminar or something. Also, it still hasn't shown up on my schedule, even though I'm supposed to have the permit that I need to take it.



Edit: The radio station is usually HOT AS TESTICLES in the studio. Right now it is fucking FREEZING and I am not happy.

miércoles, diciembre 06, 2006

Remember the "punk voice" piece?

Yeah, because here is mine.

I consider myself to be a fairly laid back person. That said, it isn’t often that something genuinely pisses me off, and I find it difficult to get worked up into a frenzy of colorful swearing. I mean, I’m listening to fucking “Moon River” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s-- followed by Kraftwerk’s “Computer Love.” People like me tend to shrug things off, or roll with the punches, to borrow a crazily overused colloquialism.
Some people might deem this to be fairly unhealthy, and claim that it is vital to the mental well being of humans to let off steam now and again, or to have something that they are passionately against, because well, that’s what makes life exciting!
These people are full of shit. There is nothing wrong with being laid back enough that when one is presented with the assignment to write a one to two page essay in a “punk voice” (translation: pissed off about something. One might even say, “giving the finger” to something), one has a tremendously difficult time thinking of anything that would merit a page and a half of impassioned writing, filled with all the neatest cuss words and vulgarities that the author can think to put on the page.
Okay, so the closest I get to punk is wearing combat boots, or listening to old school punk music while I’m driving home from church choir rehearsal in my mother’s mini-van. I mean, sure, I get references to punk music, I’ve seen Sid and Nancy (which absofuckinglutely sucked, by the way), and I had a punk phase when I was fourteen in which I wore a studded bracelet or two, funny colored fishnets over ripped up black tights, and liked Good Charlotte and The Donnas. In fact, in writing this assignment, I’m even pussying out on being punk.
Perhaps- and this is just a hypothesis here, indicated by my usage of the word “perhaps”- perhaps the shit that I am angry about isn’t punk. It’s not society, it’s not the government, and while sure, I think that those things suck, they don’t tend to get me worked up into a fit of speech bubbles filled with characters that one can only type using the shift key and some numbers. My everyday vocabulary is already punctuated with such interjections; the words “fuck,” “shit,” and “motherfucking” are just not terribly special anymore. Maybe the shit I’m angry about isn’t punk, it’s just painful. It could be just another sob story about how I hate going home. Maybe I’m sick and tired of giving in to the urge to hang up on my mother, or seeing how much my dad worries about money, and maybe I’m sick of having two of every major holiday.
My theory is that I’m laid back because damn, it’s been a decent defense mechanism thus far. I’m just not an aggressive person. I manage to like pretty much everyone that I meet, which is clearly not “xXHARDXCOREXx” and you should see the music I listen to. My site has my top artists as the Beatles, Sage Francis, The Decemberists and the cast of Candide; not much farther down is the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical. Oh yeah, I’m hardXcore. X x.
My life is too comfortable to be really truly angry about anything. The biggest problem that I personally have right now, is that I have an assload and a half of work that I should be doing, and I woke up to check my syllabus for German this morning to discover that I have a test (ein Prüfung, if you will, and I’m not even sure that’s right). Maybe I should just resign myself to being punk about how arbitrary the gender assignments in German are.

Fuck yoooou, webmail, and your inability to function!!

martes, diciembre 05, 2006

Also, for your viewing pleasure, please look at these in the order that they have been posted. They would all be from the same site and then I could just link you to the album, but Flickr is being dumb and won't let me put all of the pages up. The resolution on the Photobucket pages is also way worse.

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6

and page seven also hates me and refuses to upload anywhere.


lunes, diciembre 04, 2006



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sábado, diciembre 02, 2006

I have this habit of eating all of the Jelly Bellies I like least whenever anyone gives me a bag of them, and saving the good ones for last. My secret buddy for Candide got them for me, along with other things. Basically my secret buddy rocks.

Candide was sold out last night!! The show went really really well. Doug was there and sat in the front row with his girlfriend and totally spent the first like, half hour of the show trying to make me and another girl in Singers that he went to high school with laugh. And okay maybe he wasn't actively trying, but he would catch our eye and sorta start smiling in a very Doug way, so I basically stopped looking at him, and if I had to focus in that area I would focus on the people right above him.

Oh, and his girlfriend is a total babe.

Anymahoo, post-show the entire cast and much of the crew and a coupla orchestra members went to Philly Diner (tradition, we do Chili's on the Thursday night after the show) and pretty much took up most of it, creating a large u-shaped table and cramming LOTS of people at it. Stu actually walked in with a buncha his friends, and I'm not sure what he thought. Especially when, after everyone finished their food, as tradition dictates, the chorus all stood and sang "Hail Poetry" from Pirates of Penzance, which is our group's official song. So Stu, we're not completely crazy. I mean, I might be. And actually, much of the cast and crew is. But that's beside the point.

Heh, my mom sent me a mini Advent calender (happy December, folks) and to ring in the "holiday season" I played Skating by the Vince Guaraldi Trio from the Charlie Brown Christmas album on my radio show yesterday morning. And I got a lotta work to do, but I'm still obsessed and a half with the Katamari soundtrack and I felt that that was worth mentioning.