Heh... I apologize for my previous nerdy ass post, but I liked the bit at the bottom that said I had scored higher than 99% of my peers on Dork, Nerd, and Geek....
... even if it is only because very few people have probably taken the test.
Anyway, last night was a night of procrastination! Woooo! Can I get an amen? No? Okay then. I'm not so much a fan of being awake at this early an hour, but I have class in half an hour, so it's really a necessary evil. Besides that, the Mingus that I am listening to makes it a little bit better.
I'm trying to remember why I sat down to write in the first place. It was probably mostly that I felt like griping and whining and making up for the last frothy procrastination post. Ah mothershittersonofanass... I just remembered that today is a day of work. I have a digital design project due upon the morrow. This one is, at least, far more exciting than the last. It includes PATTERNS and LETTER FORMS and really boring other things.

In any case, I can't get this file to open up in CS2.
It was an exercise for Illustrator, and I modified it in Illustrator 7, only now it refuses to be uploaded into CS2, which is FRUSTRATING because when I was working on it and imported it into Illustrator 7, it deleted ALL OF MY LAYERS, and I had to go back and create entirely new ones. Which doesn't sound too scary to those of you unfamiliar with the program, but LET ME ASSURE YOU THAT IT WAS A PAIN IN THE ASS. There I go again, complain complain. Heh... we used to make fun of anyone in my Spanish class who complained, and so we would use really really really bad Spanish and say "quejarse quejarse" and that just popped into my head.
Grr I should REALLY go to class. Enjoy your respective days, people.
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