The Talking Muffin

Two muffins in an oven.

lunes, septiembre 25, 2006

I miss my camera.

It is sitting at home in my room, along with some recently-developed-but-not-yet-printed film, gathering dust. I really just want to have the strap coiled around my right forearm and get to press down the shutter for that really satisfying "kathunk," before I wind the film and reposition to take another photo. So what if the light meter is broken and much of my film ends up over or under exposed, so what if it is at least twice as old as I am, so what if it's only half mine and the other half belongs to my sister, I miss the camera. I even miss the masking tape on the back that told me what lighting situations called for what shutter speeds and apertures (even if it was peeling off and kind of gross colors).


I have drawing for now. And digital design (which is interesting. I need to get better access to a copy of Illustrator). Maybe I can have photo in the spring. Or next year. Or maybe it'll have to be a hobby as I get deeper into various illustrative media. I dunno. I'm not sure I have the energy for printing photographs. It was fun, and I love taking photos, but I don't know if printing things was something I really loved. I also was pretty unable to remove myself from my work and look at it objectively. I could never really tell if a photograph was "good" or not. Drawings are easier that way, I've discovered. I mean, it's still really really hard to remove one's self from one's work. More so, I guess, but at the same time, it's easy to look at objectively.

I'm gonna go now because my roommate is asleep and I feel sorta bad about still clacking away on the keyboard.